2-channel video installation, 2018 
cotton, acrylic yarn
300 x 120 cm
Videography — Hilla Shapira
Video editing — Kim Gazit
This Project was made as part of Neve Schachter Artist Residency

Habitus is a subjective but not individual system of internalised structures, schemes of perception, conception, and action common to all members of the same group or class. (86)
Pierre Bourdieu, Outline of a Theory of Practice, 1977

Playing Dead is a 2-channel video which describes a microcosm of an imaginary society, filmed in the Dead Sea by “ documenting" the group members in their rituals, on land and in water. The group is continuing as a group even without leadership only by choice of not acting and therefore maintaining the unity of the community.

In Playing Dead I examine the relationships within a group, the unit opposes unity. What is activating each member? How does the action become its own echo? How can an individual take an active part only by its presence? I am investigating the "passive" action, which exists only in order to exist and preserve territory and norms.